Sunday, December 8, 2024

For the Nations Also

Jesus of Nazareth fulfills the promise to bless all nations in Abraham. Christ is the Patriarch’s Heir and Seed.

Basic to the biblical doctrine of redemption is the covenant with Abraham and his “Seed.” It included the promise that “all the nations of the Earth would be blessed in him,” and the Patriarch would have innumerable descendants. How and when are the nations blessed? Who is Abaham’s “Seed” destined to inherit the promises?

Jesus Saves!

Salvation and Redemption are found in no other name than ‘Jesus’. He alone achieved victory over Sin, Satan, and Death.

Jesus of Nazareth declared: “All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.” He sent his disciples to announce the salvation purchased by his death to the “ends of the Earth.” The Age of Salvation commenced with his Death and Resurrection; therefore, his life-giving message must be announced to all men. The Son of God has achieved salvation for his people!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Bendición de Abraham

El Don del Espíritu es una de las promesas del Pacto de Dios y una de las formas de bendecir a las naciones a través de la Simiente de Abraham.

Pedro y Juan oraron por un hombre que estaba “cojo desde el vientre de su madre” mientras pedía limosna cerca del Templo de Jerusalén. En lugar de dinero, le ordenaron que se parara y caminara “en el nombre de Jesucristo de Nazaret.” Inmediatamente, comenzó a caminar, y después, fue visto y escuchado “saltando y alabando a Dios.”

Blessing of Abraham

The Gift of the Spirit is one of God’s Covenant promises and ways of blessing the nations through Abraham’s Seed.

Peter and John prayed for a man who was “lame from his mother’s womb” as he was begging for alms near the Jerusalem Temple. Rather than money, they commanded him to stand and walk “in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” Immediately, he began to walk, and afterward, he was seen and heard “leaping and praising God.”

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Promesa del Padre

Con el derramamiento del Espíritu en el Día de Pentecostés, comenzaron las bendiciones para todas las naciones prometidas a AbrahamEl Apóstol Pablo llama al Don del Espíritu la “Promesa del Padre” que vincula con el pacto abrahámico. Las promesas a Abraham y a “su Descendencia” encuentran su cumplimiento en la Nueva Alianza inaugurada por la Muerte y Resurrección de Jesús.

Promise of the Father

With the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the blessings for all nations promised to Abraham commencedThe Apostle Paul calls the Gift of the Spirit the “Promise of the Father” which he links to the Abrahamic covenant. The promises to Abraham and “his Seed” find their fulfillment in the New Covenant inaugurated by the Death and Resurrection of Jesus.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Perdona a tu Perseguidor

Cuando reaccionamos a la hostilidad con hostilidad e ira, Satanás ganaLa realidad de la persecución plantea interrogantes. ¿Cómo debemos responder cuando somos atacados por el Estado, la cultura, la sociedad o incluso nuestra familia y amigos? ¿Es apropiado recurrir a la ira o las represalias, o deberíamos emular ejemplos de la vida de Jesús?  En sus enseñanzas, nos advirtió que esperáramos “tribulación” y nos convocó a seguir su camino (“Si a mí me persiguieron, a vosotros también os perseguirán”).